Kailee Wright AND Megan Papworth
Separately, these two beauties shine their creative light in different ways. Recently, however, they decided to combine their light and man does their beam shine bright. Meet the gorgeous gals behind Stay and Co., a home and children's clothing company setting out to take over the world. No, that's not true. That would be rude. But, they are kicking ass and growing in ways they never thought possible just a few short months ago. And, they are super nice. And, well, nice creative people might be the best kind of people.
Note: Megan (on left) had a baby this week. Congrats to the family and welcome to this world, Neve Louise!
*The italicized comments after Kailee and Megan's responses are from ME and not them. If they were from them that would be a tad creepy.*
Blonde Bombshells w/ brains :-)
NAME: Kailee Wright and Megan Papworth
LINE OF COMPOSITION: A home decor line and a baby/children’s clothing line.
IG account: @stay_and_co
Website: stay-and-co.com
mail: hello@stay-and-co.com
Besides the practical reason of having to help support our families (we have 6 kids between the two of us) while Megan’s husband is in dental school, and my Kailee’s husband is in Anesthesia Residency, we have always had a passion for design -‐ interior design, fashion, etc.
Megan worked with her mom throughout her career as an interior designer and they both saw a need for classy, polished looking pillows at an affordable price. So, Megan went to work downtown, scouted out resources by walking the streets of Los Angeles and started Goods by Grinn, hoping to provide the answer to the pillow crisis.
Kailee started her kids fashion line (Miss J Handmade) with the intent to fulfill a hole in the kids clothing market. After months of phone calls, research and many trips to LA she started bringing her designs to life.
Kailee and I (Megan) met in January and we were both ready to throw in the towel due to work overload, so we decided to combine forces and Stay and Co. was born in May.
totally love the fact that instead of throwing those towels in they joined forces. I don't think this would be most people's first plan but it speaks volumes. It is amazing
Watching an idea that started as a thought come to life and realizing that you came up with something that others find useful and inspiring. Not to mention, finding a way to make it happen and being persistent when it seems impossible most times. We are talking major fist pumps and happy dances!
Major fist bumps. Making it happen is everything
This pillow is everything
Trying to manage our kids, be a homemaker and wife and run a business all at the same time to help support our families. This is the ultimate struggle for every mom, right? The guilt of having to say “no” to your kids because it’s your work day and you need to make a phone call or run work errands. We are convinced there is no perfect way to do it, we just continue to find ways to juggle family time and work time by having work days and mom days.
Balance is a myth. A mean illusion that haunts us all
Still creating our dream brand and having a staff of employees to aid in the process. Hopefully Stay and Co. will be in large retailers and allowing us to sit on an exotic tropical beach for a week or two once a year :)
I can see you both in cute suits near crystal clear water
Megan: Having a bonfire at the beach with my family. Couldn’t ask for anything more than a summer beach day with my favorite people!
Kailee: Making dinner with my family and watching a movie with our little people all while snuggled on one tiny couch.
Megan: Photography -‐ I had my own photography business for 5 years before moving to California. It is still a favorite passion of mine when I can find the time to get out “my real camera.” I want to fine tune my film photography skills (realistically in my next life)!
What an awesome talent!
Kailee: Hair stylist -‐ Many people don’t know that I am a hair stylist. I have done hair for over 12 years now and still love it! I have a salon in my home, but since moving to California where everyone does the “natural look” ;) business has slowed. I would still love to work in a salon 2 days a week when my kids are older.
Is there anything you can't do?
Megan: Eat good food (that I don’t make) and go on adventures with my family. Since being a mom, I have made big efforts to try new things and provide memories for my kids. Whether is be trying a new aquarium or hiking to a local waterfall -‐ those adventures are my very favorite!
Kailee: Be at the beach or on the lake with my family!! We love to be outside and the water has always been a favorite. We also love food (can you see a trend between Megan and myself?) ;) I love when we are at my parents house and my entire family is in the kitchen cooking together. It always seems to be where the best conversations happen.
We both feel the same about this...definitely our phones! We have to leave them in another room so we forget about it for a half hour and actually get things done.
Hallelujah. The balance of social media and life is a myth too. HA!
Megan: Sausage and pineapple. anything with sausage has my whole heart. haha!
Kailee: I swear I’m like a kid....just plain old pepperoni
This is my favorite part. It seems so invasive, entering a woman's closet. It says a lot about someone... like a tiny peek inside their soul.
Kailee's closet: I'm kinda a freak and love my closet color coordinated and hangers spaced perfectly apart. I have been out of town for week so this is what it looks like after my husband has been at home alone. Haha.
Megan's closet: I am writing this (kris with neve / hawk) because Megan just had a baby and has better things to do but can I just say that her "go to" splash of color must be fuschia. Also- that is a good deal of shoes. Way to go.
kailee's closet
megan's cloest